Tomma, a young Iroquois voyageur, signs his first contract with the Hudson’s Bay Company. Does his loyalty lie with the almighty Bay or with his love of freedom? For Governor George Simpson, profits always come first, but for the...
- Auteur:Brissenden, Constance, Loyie, LarrySommaire:
- Auteur:Monture, RickSommaire:
The Haudenosaunee, more commonly known as the Iroquois or Six Nations, have been one of the most widely written-about Indigenous groups in the United States and Canada. But seldom have the voices emerging from this community been drawn...
- Auteur:Shannon, Timothy J.Sommaire:
Shannon paints a vivid picture of the American frontier's most successful Indian confederacy.
- Auteur:Lomberg, MichelleSommaire:
Hundreds of years ago, five American Indian nations came together to create one of the worlds first democracies. This was known as the Iroquois Confederacy. Learn more in The Iroquois, one of the titles in the American Indian Art and...
- Auteur:Hill, Susan M.Sommaire:
If one seeks to understand Haudenosaunee (Six Nations) history, one must consider the history of Haudenosaunee land. For countless generations prior to European contact, land and territory informed Haudenosaunee thought and philosophy,...
- Auteur:Bruchac, JosephSommaire:
The Five Nations of the Iroquois have been at war with one another for far too long. A Peacemaker arrives, sharing stories that people believe can convince the leaders of the five nations to set down their weapons.
- Auteur:Lapierre, François, Marleau, PatrickSommaire:
Fin du XVIIe siècle en Nouvelle-France : Arno Vaillancoeur vit seul avec son père dans la forêt, en marge de la civilisation. Bien qu'il aime cette vie paisible faite de chasse et de pêche, il rêve depuis toujours d'exploits grandioses...
- Auteur:Gauthier, Michel JeanSommaire:
XVIIIe et XIXe siècle Après le démantèlement de la Nouvelle-France (1763), les Canadiens français et les autochtones sont rapidement relégués au rang de simples mineurs, sans droits de possession ni pouvoirs décisionnels....