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Forced Removal and Internment of Japanese (Canada : 1942-1945)

  • Auteur:
    Kogawa, Joy

    Through the eyes of a child, the novel tells the moving story of Japanese Canadians during W.W.II. Naomi is five years old when Pearl Harbour changes her life and she watches bewildered as she and her family become enemy aliens,...

  • Auteur:
    Okihiro, Lara Jean, Bridger, Janis

    Cousins Lou and Charlotte don't know a lot about their grandmother's life. When their Obaasan invites them to spend the day in her garden, she also invites them into their family's secrets. Grandma shares her experience as a Japanese...

  • Auteur:
    Kogawa, Joy

    Already a Canadian bestseller, the sequel to Joy Kogawa’s award-winning novel Obasan follows the character Naomi Nakane into adulthood, where she becomes involved in the movement for governmental redress. Much more overtly political...

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