'That night Stasia took an oath, swearing to learn the recipe by heart and destroy the paper. And when she was lying in her bed again, recalling the taste with all her senses, she was sure that this secret recipe could heal wounds...
- Auteur:Haratischwili, NinoSommaire:
- Auteur:Burgis, StephanieSommaire:
Aventurine is a brave young dragon ready to explore the world outside of her family's mountain cave...'f only they'd let her leave it. Her family thinks she's too young to fly on her own, but she's determined to prove them wrong by...
- Auteur:Snopek, Roxanne WillemsSommaire:
When hospital volunteering lands realtor Maddie Cash at the bedside of Mick Meyer, who has no memory of the kiss he begged from her during one long, pain-filled night, her best-laid plans are put in jeopardy.
- Auteur:Jackson, BrendaSommaire:
Chase's new neighbor, Jessica Claiborne, is as deliciously enticing as the confections she creates. And Jessica can't deny the heat that sparks every time Chase is near. But she has a secret, one that could destroy the desire she sees...
- Auteur:Mulder, MichelleSommaire:
- Auteur:Rowe, KarenSommaire:
Chocolate. Seductive, decadent and sinfully delicious. The pages of this book are dripping with an assortment of facts, trivia and history about the world's favorite indulgence: * Dark chocolate contains four times the antioxidants of...
- Auteur:Ryan, ÓrlaSommaire:
From the thousands of children who work on plantations to the smallholders who harvest the beans, Chocolate Nations reveals the hard economic realities of our favourite sweet. This vivid and gripping exploration of the reasons behind...
- Auteur:Parloa, Maria ; Hill, Janet McKenzieSommaire:
Cooking with Chocolate.
- Auteur:Grivetti, Louis E.Sommaire:
International Association of Culinary Professionals (IACP) 2010 Award Finalists in the Culinary History category. Chocolate. We all love it, but how much do we really know about it? In addition to pleasing palates since ancient times,...
- Auteur:Dahl, RoaldSommaire:
Charlie est de retour ! Et avec lui, tous les héros de Charlie et la chocolaterie : Grand-Maman Joséphine, Grand-Maman Georgina et Grand-Papa George, sans oublier l'imprévisible Monsieur Wonka. Ce dernier a fait construire un...
- Auteur:Dahl, RoaldSommaire:
"Moi, Willy Wonka, j'ai décidé de permettre à cinq enfants de visiter ma chocolaterie cette année. Ces cinq chanceux seront initiés à tous mes secrets, à toute ma magie." Willy Wonka est le plus grand inventeur de...
- Auteur:Dahl, RoaldSommaire:
"Roald Dahl sometimes shared a tonal kinship with Ogden Nash, and he could demonstrate a verbal inventiveness nearly Seussian ... [His] stories work better in audio than in print."--The New York TimesWilly Wonka's famous...