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Vancouver : stories of a city : a history of Vancouver's neighbourhoods and the people who built them

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  • Author: Smedman, Lisa

    A compilation of 12 cover stories first presented in the pages of the "Vancouver Courier" in 2006-2007. Packed with historic photos, maps and illustrations, Vancouver: Stories of a City tells the tales of the Royal Engineers sent from England to police the gold rush, the real estate barons who made backroom deals to bring the Canadian Pacific Railway terminus to Vancouver, the Musqueam and Squamish First Nations peoples, and the immigrants from Europe and Asia who came by steamship, stagecoach and CPR train. The lively and often poignant sagas found in this work capture the lives of rich and poor, speculator and settler alike, covering the gamut of the early pioneers who wound up calling this city home.

    Original Publisher: Vancouver, Vancouver Courier
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780981073705