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Unleash Your Inner Warrior How to Change Your Mindset for the Better, Soar With the Eagles, and Live the Life of Your Dreams

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    Brad Wenneberg wasn't always a 6th degree Black Belt. Nor was he always a father, a husband, a teacher, a mentor, a community leader and a man of conviction. He was, however, an alcoholic spinning out of control—so much so that he found himself on the wrong end of a gun one warm spring evening. It wasn't until Wenneberg committed to a complete personal transformation that he was able to begin his journey toward personal, emotional, financial, and spiritual freedom. In Unleash Your Inner Warrior, Wenneberg challenges us to transform our own lives for the better; to commit to basic success principles that allow us to create a life of happiness, wealth, and abundance as well as leaving a lasting and meaningful legacy. "Unleashing my inner warrior was a challenge to me in every way—a challenge to the way I do business, to my habits, to my self-esteem, and to my comfort zones. It is a challenge to learn what I need to know, not what I want to know," writes Wenneberg.

    Original Publisher: [s.l.], Morgan James Publishing
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781614484110