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Uncommitted crimes : the defiance of the artistic imagi/nation

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    Inanna Publications, 2018
  • Publisher:
    Inanna Publications, 2018
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Atluri, Tara

    Theodor Adorno once remarked that, "... every work of art is an uncommitted crime." This book is a tribute to political artists who deviate from the mainstream and create art that engages with questions of societal oppression, survival, and resistance. It draws on interviews with transnational artists whose work is representative of emerging trends in art, visual culture, and political aesthetics. Uncommitted Crimes reflects on a new generation of artists whose creative praxis, sensibilities, influences, and frames of reference derive from multiple national, religious, and cultural genealogies, and an ambivalent relationship to Western and European nationalisms. Courageously, these racialized, Indigenous, and migrant artists straddle the divides of many categories of identity in regards to gender, sexuality, and 'race.' Their art challenges the silently imbibed worship of whiteness, heteronormative patriarchies, and colonial settler ideologies of "home." These exceptional cultural producers enter into uncomfortable dialogues, creatively. Inspired by their visionary praxis, this book is an uncommitted crime, attempting to smuggle arresting artistic ideas into a site of intellectual imagi/nation. Artists whose works are explored in this book include: Andil Gosine, Syrus Marcus Ware, Elisha Lim; Amita Zamaan and Helen Lee; Shirin Fathi; Kara Springer; Rajni Perera; Joshua Vettivelu; Brendan Fernandes; Kerry Potts and Rebecca Belmore; The Mass Arrival Collective (Farrah Miranda, Graciela Flores Mendez, Tings Chak, Vino Shanmuganathan, and Nadia Saad.)

    • The transient aesthetic : the timeless archives of Andil Gosine, Syrus Marcus Ware, and Elisha Lim
    • ;A shot in the dark : Amita Zamaan and Helen Lee's explosive filmmaking
    • Fashion crimes : orientalism frays in the sartorial worlds of Shirin Fathi
    • A simple strand? Kara Springer's resplendant minimalism
    • And their Gods were blue-eyed : Rajni Perera (re)colours the world
    • Smuggled skin : mass arrival finds refuge in the creative
    • Brown skin, white mirrors : Joshua Vettivelu's enthralling affect
    • Unsettled : transitory lovers and the boundless art of Brendan Fernandes
    • Seeing red in the streets : taking shelter in the sublime worlds of Kerry Potts and Rebecca Belmore
    • Should you stay or should you go? Beyond a blur of white picket fences.
    Original Publisher: Toronto, Inanna Publications
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 1771333944, 9781771333931, 1771333936, 9781771333948