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Trades access common core. Line E, Competency E-3, Electrical fundamentals, Explain wiring connections Line E, Competency E-3, Electrical fundamentals, Explain wiring connections


  • Author: Lidstone, Rod.
    Contributor: BC Open Textbook Project; Camosun College; British Columbia; BC Open Textbook Project; BCcampus; Ministry of Technolgy, Innovation and Citizens' Services

    " It is important for you to be familiar with techniques for soldering electrical connections and how to use wireless connectors. For example, the ends of the finely stranded wires used for power supply cords on most portable power tools are soldered to permit a long-lasting, troublefree connection. Solder also produces secure, durable electrical connections for switches, plugs, and tools. Wireless connectors are commonly used in many electrical applications because they are quick and easy to use"--BC Campus website.

    Original Publisher: [Victoria, B.C.], Ministry of Technology, Innovation and Citizens’ Services
    Language(s): English
    Collection(s)/Series: BC Open Textbooks