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Sundown on top of the world : a Hunter Rayne highway mystery, volume 4

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    Proud Horse Publishing, 2015
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Donald, R. E.

    Former homicide investigator Hunter Rayne follows the white lines northward on the Alaska Highway, but a truck breakdown forces him to take an unscheduled stop in Whitehorse, Yukon, where he had been stationed as a rookie cop. While his Freightliner is awaiting repairs, Hunter and fellow driver Dan (Sorry) Sorenson kill time with a side trip to bush Alaska, where a chance meeting with a young Alaskan woman awakens his interest in a baffling cold case. A reclusive trapper and his young girlfriend disappeared from a bloody cabin 25 years before, leaving their sled dogs chained outside. Reawakened memories of his past coupled with a recent murder find Hunter back in investigative mode with the blessings of Whitehorse R.C.M.P. boss Bartholomew Sam, son of a shaman and Hunter's old friend. He finds himself searching the banks of the mighty Yukon River for a tough, old, bush woman who may hold the key to more than one bloody death. It's a vivid reminder that the breathtaking beauty of the northern wilderness camouflages its brutal indifference to human life. This is the fourth novel in the Highway Mysteries series of character-driven traditional mysteries in a uniquely North American setting.

    Original Publisher: [s.l.], Proud Horse Publishing
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780994076205