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The Shroud

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  • Contributor: Suzanne O'Mahony

    "The man on the other end of the phone should be dead. Sir Henri Lipton, wanted on three continents for looting and smuggling art and precious antiques, had destroyed Madison Dupre's career before supposedly kicking the bucket. Dupre, a drop dead gorgeous art investigator, had hoped he was buring in hell." "With her reputation in shreds, her bank accounts empty, and creditors pounding down her door, Dupre has no choice but to listen. Twenty-thousand-dollors cash - upfront - just a little trip to Dubai, he tells her, a quick look at a piece of art. And then he makes the offer truly irresistible: the art is two thousand years old and was "buried with Christ." Dupre is hooked ... even though her gut tells here there has to be a catch.". "Dubai, so-called called Las Vegas on steroids, is just the first stop on a quest that takes Madison Dupre to an ancient Mesopotamian city, from the dark streets of exotic Istanbul, Venice at carnival time, and to a cathedral where the most sacred object of Christendom is stored. Along the way, she finds danger, cheap thrills and a smoldering desire for a Russian agent she doesn't trust - and can't resist."

    Original Publisher: Perth, Western Australia, Association for the Blind of Western Australia
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780765318312