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Shaky Ground A Novel of the Schattenreich / Volume 2

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    Terrae Motus Books, 2013
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


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    Cologne, Germany. Her bruises barely healed, Caitlin Schwarzbach needs time to settle into expatriate life with her brother Gus. Caitlin looks forward to her new job. She has new friends. She also has new enemies. And a new boyfriend. Hagen von der Lahn owns a haunted castle, a title and the sexiest smile she's ever seen. But her romantic reunion with the baron of Burg Lahn is cut short when Gus's car blows up. Far from being settled, Caitlin's life has also become supernaturally complicated. Long-term goal: Accept a new paradigm that includes Celtic deities and ancient curses. Short-term goal: Choose between keeping Gus safe or learning the truth about her past and its implications for her future. When she learns about the "fracking" experiment in Cologne being conducted by her enemies, Caitlin's short-term goal becomes dangerously acute. The second book in the Schattenreich series, Shaky Ground is a unique and gripping novel of suspense blended with contemporary otherworld fantasy and a generous portion of real-world science.

    Original Publisher: [s.l.], Terrae Motus Books
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781479389469