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The Secret Language of Knitters

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    Andrews McMeel Publishing LLC, 2011
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


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    Moth noun: The devil incarnate, eater of both stash and finished objects. Should be treated with a zero-tolerance attitude." — The Secret Language of Knitters

    More than 140 terms, from acrylic to yarn porn, are collected and defined for America"s 60 million knitting-obsessed. From the 25-year-old hipster to her 85-year-old grandmother, more than a third of the women in the United States knit. For the yarn-obsessed, Mary Beth Temple offers a glossary of knitting jargon and terminology in The Secret Language of Knitters with entries like:

    • Design Elements noun: Mistakes. As in "The fact that one sleeve is five inches longer than the other is not a mistake, it is a design element."
    • Stress Knitting noun: When the going gets tough, the tough get knitting.

    With a universal affinity for cashmere and an absolute abhorrence of moths, veteran and beginning knitters alike will be certain not to cast off this humorous lexicon compendium.

    Original Publisher: Kansas City, Andrews McMeel Publishing LLC
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780740793271