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  • Publisher:
    BC Libraries Cooperative, 2021
    Note: This book was produced with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component


  • Date:

    Reece's new dog, Ruckus, tears through life like a Tyrannosaurus rex. He bites everything that moves and drives Reece's mom nuts. The puppy was Dad's idea, to make things easier for Reece after his parents' separation, but Ruckus is not easy at all and Mom is getting fed up. When her diamond earrings go missing, it sends the family into a tailspin. What happens when a dog swallows something precious? Reece is about to find out. But they can't give up on this little Jack Russell terror, can they? He's family, after all. We first met Reece and his family in the Orca Echoes title Where's Burgess? by Laurie Elmquist.

    Sujets: Divorce | Dogs | Pet adoption
    Original Publisher: Victoria, Orca Book Publishers
    Language(s): English