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Rocks beat paper a wilson mystery

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  • Publisher:
    ECW Press, 2017
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Knowles, Mike
    Contributor: Recorded Books, Inc.

    "Merciless but honest about being monstrous, Wilson is worthy to stand next to Loren Estleman's Peter Macklin and Donald Westlake's Parker."-Publishers Weekly A phone call brought Wilson and nine other men to a job in New York. At first, he couldn't see a way to make the heist work, but the score-millions of dollars in diamonds-kept him looking. Wilson came up with a plan he knew would work...'ntil the inside man got killed and took the job with him. With no way inside, the crew walks away without the diamonds. Alone, Wilson is free to execute the job his way. Wilson sets a con in motion that should run as predictably as a trail of dominoes-except the con doesn't rely on inanimate tiles, it relies on people. Wilson pushes all of the pieces across the board only to find out that there are other players making their own moves against him. Everyone is playing to win and no one is willing to walk away because the job is about more than money, the job is about diamonds. And in this game, rocks beat paper every time.

    Original Publisher: Toronto, Ont., ECW Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781773050294