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River music : a novel

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    Cormorant Books, 2015
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


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    Gloria Murray's daughter jokes that Gloria would have sold her first born to further her musical career - a reproach closer to the truth than anyone but Gloria suspects. Gloria, born just before the Great Depression, knows from the moment she hears a soaring song played on the piano that she must follow that river of emotion. After an adolescence playing in churches and hotel lobbies, she prepares to study in post-World War II France, when another sort of passion intrudes and, halfway through her year abroad, she finds herself forced into a hard choice that she shares with no one. Her career blossoms, she marries, and has two more children, and her secret seems best forgotten - until, thirty years later, she learns of the murder of a young composer who could have been her son.

    Original Publisher: Toronto, Cormorant Books
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781770864153, 1770864156, 9781770864177