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Reclaiming Diné history the legacies of Navajo Chief Manuelito and Juanita

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  • Date:
    • 1. Introduction
    • 2. Recovering Dine intellectual traditions : at the intersection of history and oral tradition; or, "it's hard work traipsing around in Indian country"
    • 3. Biographical account of Manuelito: noble savage, patriotic warrior, and American citizen
    • 4. Imperial gaze : portraits of Juanita and Manuelito, 1868-1902
    • 5. Stories of Asdzaa Tl'ogi : Dine traditional narratives as history
    • 6. Stories in the land : Navajo uses of the past
    • 7. Conclusion
    • App. Genealogical charts.
    Original Publisher: Tuscon : University of Arizona Press, 2007
    Language(s): English