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Out to dry in Cape Breton

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  • Éditeur:
    Véhicule Press, 2006
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Lahey, Anita

    Like the laundry that greets readers at the start of Anita Laheys astonishing debuthanging on clothelines and bodied out in breezesthe poems in Out to Dry in Cape Breton exist in a state of thrumming levitation. Laheys scampish play with idioms, her accelerated sense of traditional forms, and her omnivorous eye for fresh imagery lead to a poetry constantly streaming with surprises. These are musical, hyperstimulated, shape-shifting poems that draw on their subjectsa high diver, World War I female munitions workers, a mangled shopping cartto conduct inspired, often irreverent, investigations into the marginal details of our world. The collection concludes with a long poem where Laheys gifts combine to create a large-spirited, unsentimental vision of a Maritime world free of fiddlers and romantic fishing tales: one instead brimming with honesty, humour, paradox, and grit.

    Original Publisher: [S.l.], Véhicule Press
    Language(s): English