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More Indian Ernie : insights from the street

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  • Author: Louttit, Ernie

    Retired Police Sergeant Ernie Louttit takes you back to the streets of Saskatoon in his second book, a street cop's view of the realities of dealing with prostitutes, street gangs, drunk drivers, and other offenders. He gives people who are rarely exposed to crime a view of what policing "at the sharp end" is like, while acknowledging the struggles of those who are forced by circumstance to live in high-crime areas. The first point of contact for persons with mental illness and addictions is often the police, and Louttit highlights how changes in handling these individuals must occur. Other topics addressed in this fast-paced book include drugs and drug dealing, murder, changes in policing, and leadership.

    Original Publisher: Saskatoon, SK, Purich Publishing Ltd.
    Language(s): English
    Collection(s)/Series: Saskatchewan Collection