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Middle Ground

Available Formats:

  • Éditeur:
    Orca Book Publishers, 2010
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.
  • Éditeur:
    Orca Book Publishers, 2018
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Whittall, Zoe

    Missy Turner thinks of herself as the most ordinary woman in the world. She has a lot to be thankful for: a great kid, a loving husband, a job she enjoys and the security of living in the small town where she was born. Then one day everything gets turned upside down. She loses her job, catches her husband making out with the neighbor and is briefly taken hostage by a young man who robs the local café. With her world rapidly falling apart, Missy finds herself questioning the certainties she's lived with her whole life. Originally published in 2010, The Middle Ground was a 2011 Golden Oak Award Nominee and an early work from an award-winning author. This edition includes discussion questions at the back for reading and literacy groups.

    Original Publisher: Victoria, Orca Book Publishers
    Language(s): English