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Medical ethics for dummies

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  • Publisher:
    John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2011
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Edition: 1 ed.

    Succeeding in the healthcare field means more than just making a diagnosis and writing a prescription. Healthcare professionals are responsible for convincing patients and their family members of the best course of action and treatments to follow, while knowing how to make the right moral and ethical choices, and so much more. Unlike daunting and expensive texts, Medical Ethics For Dummies offers an accessible and affordable course supplement for anyone studying medical or biomedical ethics. * Follows typical medical and biomedical ethics courses * Covers real ethical dilemmas doctors, nurses and other healthcare workers may face * Includes moral issues surrounding stem cell research, genetic engineering, euthanasia and more Packed with helpful information, Medical Ethics For Dummies arms aspiring medical professionals with the philosophical and practical foundation for advancing in a field where critical ethical and moral decisions need to be rapidly and convincingly made.

    Sujets: Medical ethics
    Original Publisher: Hoboken, Wiley
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780470946480