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Lasting damage : Beckett investigations series book 2

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  • Éditeur:
    Dreamspinner Press, 2013
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Green, R. G.
    Edition: 1 ed.

    Sequel to 'When Past Comes to Present' Seven months after the recapture of Miles Trubett, a new murder grabs headlines in Wheaton City, IL. The police believe the case is closed—or would be if they could find their suspect. However, the victim’s brother, Kyle Overstreet, claims the police are pinning the murder on the wrong man, and he uses The Wheaton Brigade to make his views known. Fearing slander that could butcher the department if Kyle is right, Lieutenant Danny Baxter asks close friend and private investigator Tyler Beckett to look into the case. Then threatening messages to Tyler’s lover Sean St. Claire interrupt Tyler’s investigation. With Trubett locked away and Tyler’s ex out of the picture, no suspect is apparent. Caught between helping a friend and protecting his lover, the pressure on Tyler mounts—until surprising information reveals the true danger behind the messages, and an unexpected confrontation with Kyle enables an act of revenge that could cost Tyler everything.

    Original Publisher: USA, Dreamspinner Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781627982252