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In the land of blue burqas

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  • Author: McCord, Kate

    Written under pseudonym to protect herself and her sources, McCord depicts sharing the love and truth of Christ with women living in Afghanistan. These stories are honest and true, and the harsh reality of their lives is not sugar-coated. McCord shows how people who don't know Christ come to see Him, His truth and His beauty. They reveal the splendor of Christ, the desire of human hearts, and that precious instance where the two meet.

    • Become one of us, foreigner
    • Where it all starts
    • Whose example do we follow?
    • Facing hatred
    • Choosing love
    • Who is God?
    • How do we respond to evil done to us?
    • How do we respond to insult?
    • Who can judge?
    • Who protects us from temptation?
    • Understanding the journey
    • How do we learn to live our faith?
    • How should we pray?
    • How should we fast?
    • How do we live with open hands?
    • Saying goodbye.
    Original Publisher: Chicago, IL, Moody Publishers
    Language(s): English