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Honey, we lost the kids : re-thinking childhood in the multimedia age

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  • Publisher:
    Second Story Press, 2005
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Date:

    Remember when children grew up in well-defined stages? Adults tried to keep whole areas of life hidden from them – death, bad language, and, of course, sex – and allowed them to step out into the adult world in an orderly, gradual fashion, according to a schedule determined by grown-ups. So it’s no surprise many parents and experts believe that kids today are growing up too quickly, that a toxic combination of TV and films, video games and the Internet are robbing them of childhood. In this straight-talking book, Kathleen McDonnell warns us that we can’t go back to that time when grown-ups and kids knew their place.

    Original Publisher: [S.l.], Second Story Press
    Language(s): English