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Foul deeds : A Rosalind mystery

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  • Publisher:
    Nimbus Publishing, 2012
    Note: This book was produced thanks to support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.
  • Publisher:
    Nimbus Publishing, 2017
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Moore, Linda

    A professional criminologist, Rosalind works with a cranky private investigator named McBride—a long-time association that has led her from one sordid foray to another in the world of crime. Her passionate escape is theatre and her latest venture is with a company of out-of-work actors putting on an independent production of Hamlet. Shakespeare’s language is a fabulous distraction until the uncanny parallels between life and art begin to unnerve her. Peter King, a respected environmental lawyer working tirelessly to keep water in the public domain, dies suddenly. Is it murder? His son Daniel thinks so. And as Roz and McBride delve deeper into the case, it becomes all too clear that there are those who will stop at nothing to ensure their foul deeds stay buried.

    Original Publisher: Halifax, Nimbus
    Language(s): English