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Floor burns : inside the life of a Kansas Jayhawk

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  • Contributor: Peters, Sarah

    Floor Burns, by Jerod Haase and Mark Horvath, takes us inside the 1996-97 Kansas University Jayhawks basketball season. What makes this book such a unique and fascinating read is that it doesn’t follow the trend of many recent books on college basketball. Instead of telling the story through the eyes of a prominent sportswriter and focusing primarily on the head coach, Floor Burns gives us the perspective of someone who is actually playing the game. Jerod Haase, one of the Jayhawk co-captains, gives us a feel for what he experiences as a member of one of the top programs in America. The book takes the form of a diary in which Haase shares his thoughts about his team, his senior season, and the quest for a national championship.

    Original Publisher: Victoria Park, Association for The Blind of Western Australia
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780965839211