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The elephants in my backyard : a memoir

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  • Author: Surendra, Rajiv

    Rajiv Surendra (the rapping mathlete from Mean Girls) read LIFE OF PI, discovered it was being adapted into a major motion picture, and embarked on a ten-year journey to land the role of a lifetime - but this is not a journey of goals and victories, this is a story of obsessively pursuing a dream, overcoming failure, and finding meaning in life. Poignant, funny, colourful, and absolutely unforgettable, this is an inspiring tale of taking risks and following one’s dreams, of process and determination, and looking back on one’s endeavors with new appreciation and meaning. Canadian author - Toronto

    Original Publisher: :, Random House of Canada
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780345816801
    Collection(s)/Series: Canada Reads 2017