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The effects of isolation on the brain

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  • Publisher:
    Inanna Publications, 2016
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Rummel, Erika

    There are many forms of isolation, and Ellie is becoming an expert on them: unloved and ignored as a child in Vienna, up against cultural barriers in Canada, holed up in a cabin in the north. What are the effects of isolation on the brain? Is it loneliness and boredom that makes Ellie take risks and say yes to Vera, her glamorous but deeply disturbed friend? Vera has been abused as a child and is now putting her trust in a charlatan healer. Together they entangle Ellie in a murderous game of fantasy and revenge. Marooned on the shores of a frozen lake, Ellie must make her way out of the Canadian bush and the wilderness of her own soul. It is a journey through hostile territory – neglect, deceit, confusion, betrayal – but Ellie is a fighter. All she needs to survive is a soulmate. Don’t we all?

    Original Publisher: Toronto, Inanna Publications
    Language(s): English