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  • Author: Euripides
    Contributor: Konstan, David; McHugh, Heather

    Based on the conviction that only translators who write poetry themselves can properly re-create the celebrated and timeless tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, the Greek Tragedy in New Translations series offers new translations that go beyond the literal meaning of the Greek in order to evoke the poetry of the originals. Under the general editorship of Peter Burian and Alan Shapiro, each volume includes a critical introduction, commentary on the text, full stage directions, and a glossary of the mythical and geographical references in the play.

    Brimming with lusty comedy and horror, this new version of Euripides' only extent satyr play has been refreshed with all the salty humor, vigorous music, and dramatic shapeliness available in modern American English. Driven by storms onto the shores of the Cyclops' Island, Odysseus and his men find that the Cyclops has already enslaved a horde of satyrs. When some of Odysseus' crew are seized and eaten by the Cyclops, Odysseus resorts to spectacular stratagems to free his crew and escape the island. In this powerful work, poet Heather McHugh and classicist David Konstan combine their talents to create an unusually strong tragicomedy marked by lively lyricism and moral subtlety.

    Original Publisher: New York : Oxford University Press, 2001
    Language(s): English