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Corporatizing Canada : making business out of public service

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  • Éditeur:
    Between the Lines, 2018
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


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    "Corporatizing Canada is an impressive collection by activist scholars focusing on the commercialization by stealth of the public sector. Its accessible style is well integrated around three dimensions of corporatization that prioritize markets over social relations. A must-read for those interested in the next generation's approach to engaged political economy." -Wallace Clement, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Carleton University. From schools to hospitals, from utilities to food banks, over the past thirty years corporatization has transformed the public sector in Canada. Economic elites take control of public institutions and use business metrics to evaluate their performance, transforming public programs into corporate revenue streams. Senior managers use corporate methodology to set priorities in social services and create "market-friendly" public sector cultures. Even social activist organizations increasingly look and act like multinational corporations while non-governmental organizations pursue partnerships with the same corporations they ostensibly oppose. Corporatizing Canada critically examines how corporatization has been implemented in different ways across the Canadian public sector and warns us of the threat that neoliberal corporatization poses to democratic decision-making and the public at large.

    Original Publisher: Toronto, Between the Lines
    Language(s): English