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In the Buddha's words an anthology of discourse from the Pāli canon

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  • Author: Bodhi, Bhikku
    Contributor: Dalai Lama XIV
    Edition: 1st ed

    This landmark collection is the definitive introduction to the Buddha's teachings - in his own words. The American scholar-monk Bhikkhu Bodhi, whose voluminous translations have won widespread acclaim, here presents selected discourses of the Buddha from the Pali Canon, the earliest record of what the Buddha taught. Divided into ten thematic chapters, In the Buddha's Words reveals the full scope of the Buddha's discourses, from family life and marriage to renunciation and the path of insight. A concise, informative introduction precedes each chapter, guiding the reader toward a deeper understanding of the texts that follow.

    In the Buddha's Words allows even readers unacquainted with Buddhism to grasp the significance of the Buddha's contributions to our world heritage. Taken as a whole, these texts bear eloquent testimony to the breadth and intelligence of the Buddha's teachings, and point the way to an ancient yet ever-vital path. Students and seekers alike will find this systematic presentation indispensable.

    • The human condition
    • The bringer of light
    • Approaching the Dhamma
    • The happiness visible in this present life
    • The way to a fortunate rebirth
    • Deepening one's perspective on the world
    • The path to liberation
    • Mastering the mind
    • Shining the light of wisdom
    • The planes of realization.
    Original Publisher: Boston, Mass. : Wisdom Publications, c2005
    Language(s): English