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After the rising : Irish trilogy, book one

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  • Éditeur:
    Font Publications, 2011
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Ross, Orna

    When Jo Devereux returns to Ireland for her mother's funeral, the last person she expects to meet there is Rory O'Donovan. The secrets and silences between Jo's family and Rory's was the one constant of their childhood — and erupted into bitter conflict when they fell in love. Now, 20 years on, Jo is back in village where they both grew up, and he's urging her to stay on. To her own surprise, she's tempted. Is it because her life in San Francisco is such a disaster since her friend Richard died? Because she wants to rekindle the relationship with her mother gone? Or because she wants to know the truth about the past? Soon, Jo is uncovering astonishing truths about her mother and grandmother and women's role in the conflict known as “The War of The Brothers.” And about a killing with consequences that have ricocheted through four generations. Rory, mired in an unhappy marriage, is urging her to rebel again — but reading their family histories has made Jo cautious. Rebellion has an energy that sweeps people up but what happens after the rising? Jo is about to find out.

    Original Publisher: [s.l.], Font Publications
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780954875626