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Aboriginal Law, Fourth Edition Commentary and Analysis

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  • Publisher:
    UBC Press, 2012
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Isaac, Thomas

    Thomas Isaac looks at the broad picture of trends that are developing in the law and the background, highlighting aspects of Canadian law that impact Aboriginal peoples and their relationship with the wider Canadian society. While covering issues such as Aboriginal and treaty rights, constitutional issues, land claims, self-government, provincial and federal roles, the rights of the Métis, and the Indian Act, this book pays particular attention to the Crown’s duty to consult. The Supreme Court of Canada has clearly stated that achieving reconciliation between Aboriginal interests with the needs of Canadian society as a whole lies primarily with governments, which Isaac outlines.

    Original Publisher: Saskatoon, UBC Press
    Language(s): English