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La collection Braille 2018

À propos de ces livres

Ces quinze livres imprimés en braille de langue anglaise ont été produits pour le RNSEB en mars 2018 par une équipe utilisant les outils de production en braille du Vision Resource Network (VIRN) à Winnipeg, au Manitoba.

Les livres de la collection ont été choisis par des bibliothécaires qui aiment les livres pour enfants. Si de futurs projets surviennent, nous espérons produire une collection de livres en Braille en français.

Ce projet est financé par le Programme de partenariats pour le développement social du gouvernement du Canada - volet Personnes handicapées.

À propos des codes QR

Les lecteurs peuvent numériser les codes QR dans les livres avec un téléphone intelligent (smartphone) ou une tablette - il existe de nombreuses applications gratuites de lecture de codes QR. Les codes QR contiennent le texte du livre, ainsi que les descriptions des images dans le livre.

Les personnes qui activent les fonctionnalités de navigation vocale sur leurs appareils (telles que VoiceOver sur un appareil iOS) peuvent entendre le texte numérisé être lu à voix haute.

Liste des titres (en anglais)

  1. Sweetest Kulu, by Celina Kalluk and Alexandria Neonakis
    A lyrical lullaby imbued with traditional Inuit beliefs, this bedtime poem describes the gifts bestowed upon a newborn baby by all the animals of the Arctic.
  2. The Man with the Violin, by Kathy Stinson and Dusan Petricic
    This book is based on the true story of Joshua Bell, a world-renowned classical violinist who famously took his instrument down into the Washington D.C. subway for a free concert.
  3. You Hold Me Up, by Monique Gray Smith and Danielle Daniel
    This vibrant picture book encourages children to show love and support for each other and to consider each other's well-being in their everyday actions.
  4. Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox, by Danielle Daniel
    In this introduction to the Anishinaabe tradition of totem animals, young children explain why they identify with different creatures such as a deer, beaver, or moose.
  5. The Rooster Who Would Not Be Quiet! by Carmen Agra Deedy, Eugene Yelchin 
    La Paz is a happy, but noisy village. A little peace and quiet would make it just right, so the villagers elect the bossy Don Pepe as their mayor. Before long, singing of any kind is outlawed.
  6. The Story of Ferdinand, by Munro Leaf and Robert Lawson
    While all of the other bulls snort, leap, and butt their heads, Ferdinand is content to just sit and smell the flowers under his favorite cork tree... until he sits on a bee.
  7. Something from Nothing, by Phoebe Gilman
    This adaptation of a favorite Jewish folktale describes how the blanket grandfather had made for young Joseph is transformed over the years into a jacket, a button, and, ultimately, a story.
  8. Millicent and the Wind, by Robert Munsch and Suzanne Duranceau
    The wind brings Millicent a hoped-for friend...
  9. One-Dog Canoe, by Mary Casanova and Ard Hoyt
    When a girl and her dog set out on a canoe trip together, they're expecting a quiet afternoon for two. Then a beaver decides to join them, and that's just the beginning of their troubles...
  10. The Enormous Potato, by Aubrey Davis and Dusan Petricic
    Retold by professional storyteller Aubrey Davis, this classic story shows what can be accomplished when everyone lends a hand to solve a problem.
  11. Mortimer, by Robert Munsch and Michael Martchenko
    It's Mortimer's bedtime, but he would much rather sing his rowdy song. Mom, Dad and even the police can't get him to quiet down.
  12. When We Were Alone, by David Alexander Robertson and Julie Flett
    Winner of a 2017 GG. When a young girl helps tend to her grandmother's garden, she grows curious. As she asks her grandmother questions, she learns about life in a residential school.
  13. Manners Are Not for Monkeys, by Heather Tekavec and David Huyck
    The old zookeeper has no idea how much trouble it will cause when she moves the monkeys into a cage near the picnic and play areas: the monkeys start behaving like kids!
  14. If Kids Ruled the World, by Linda Bailey and David Huyck
    This book delightfully describes, in wonderful detail, a small child's idea of utopia.
  15. Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress, by Christine Baldacchino and Isabelle Malenfant
    Morris is a little boy who loves using his imagination. But most of all, Morris loves wearing the tangerine dress in his classroom's dress-up center.

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