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Picture books for children

  • Author:
    Van Camp, Richard

    In this sweet and lyrical board book from the creators of the bestselling Little You, gentle rhythmic text captures the wonder new parents feel as they welcome baby into the world. A celebration of the bond between parent and child,...

  • Author:
    Lehrhaupt, Adam

    Monkeys, toucans, and alligators unleash mayhem.

  • Author:
    Vigneault, Gilles, Jorisch, Stéphane, Hyndman, James, Cabrel, Francis, Moffatt, Ariane, Flynn, Pierre, Léon, Martin, Lapointe, Pierre, Montcalm, Térez, Vigneault, Jessica

    Livre enrichi musical - Collection Je lis, je chante Conte et chansons Gilles Vigneault, illustrations Stéphane Jorisch, avec Ariane Moffatt, Pierre Lapointe, Francis Cabrel, Pierre Flynn, Martin Léon, Térez Montcalm et Jessica...

  • Author:
    Burningham, John

    Discovering a magical door in her bedroom that leads her to the zoo, a little girl is tempted to bring one little bear back to her room, and then a menagerie of smaller animals, and then a medley of big animals, until pandemonium ensues...

  • Author:
    Base, Graeme

    Graeme Base takes young readers on an exhilarating journey of discovery from the plains of Africa and the jungles of the Amazon to the woodlands of North America and the deserts of outback Australia. The animals come together to drink...

  • Author:
    Simpson, Caroll

    In her third book inspired by First Nations’ stories, children’s author and illustrator Caroll Simpson explains the significance of community values. She introduces readers to a world of creatures like Sea Lion, Killer Whale, Dogfish...

  • Author:
    MacKay, Elly

    Once evening paints the summer sky, shadows will come out to play. You must move fast, because as quickly as the wind blows, the shadows will be on their way.

  • Author:
    Tan, Shaun

    Two boys explain the occasionally mysterious "rules" they learned over the summer, like never eat the last olive at a party, never ruin a perfect plan, and never give your keys to a stranger.

  • Author:
    Fitch, Sheree, Flook, Helen, Gould, Heather

    This is an enhanced ebook with a read-along function. No matter how hard he tries, even with the help of his classroom aide, Ian Goobie can't do the things that the other children in his class can do. Every day he dreads going to...

  • Author:
    Bromley, Nick

    A crocodile falls into a quiet storybook and wreaks havoc on the characters, in a tale that invites youngsters to slam the book shut or find the courage to take a peek inside.

  • Author:
    Whamond, Dave

    When Audrey joins the school soccer team, she brings a unique approach to teamwork, but will it be enough to win the big game?

  • Author:
    Hébert, Marie-Francine

    Comment fait-on quand la guerre entre dans la maison et que, sous les masques des soldats, on reconnaît un regard ? Qu'emporte-t-on lorsque l'on doit s'enfuir ? Laisse-t-on derrière soi le poisson à qui l'on a promis le plus bel univers...

  • Author:
    Bouchard, David

    Nokum Is My Teacher is the poetic story of a young aboriginal boy, posing questions to his grandmother, his "Nokum", about the wider world beyond the familiarity of their home and community. Through a series of questions, Nokum guides...

  • Author:
    Allenby, Victoria

    Nat has a talent for sleeping all day long. Name any place in the house and Nat can sleep in, on, under, or sprawled over it. In fact, Nat is so devoted to slumber that the imaginative antics of a crazy kitten don’t seem to bother him...

  • Author:
    Young, Cybèle

    Nancy remembers all kinds of things in all sorts of ways. Places to relax and place to go. Things all the same color or all the same shape. She remembers with her ears, her stomach and even her heart. But Nancy knows she's forgotten...

  • Author:
    Vande Griek, Susan, Reczuch, Karen

    Winner of the Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children’s Picture Book Award, the TD Norma Fleck Award, the Vancouver Children's Literature Roundtable Information Book Award, and a USBBY Outstanding International Books Honor Book. Nominated for...

  • Author:
    Daigneault, Claude, Jalette, Jocelyn

    Chassés de leurs habitations par la chaleur accablante, Pyro et Glucosine ont décidé de dormir à la belle étoile, au bord du lac. Un étrange visiteur apparaît près d’eux pendant que Glucosine rêve à un prince charmant et que Pyro ronfle...

  • Author:
    Chartrand, Lili

    À l'orée d'une fabuleuse forêt, un gros monstre découvre un jour un étrange objet. Après l'avoir reniflé et léché, il le rejette, furieux. Ça n'a aucun goût! Pourtant, cet object étonnant va changer sa vie...

  • Author:
    Khan, Rukhsana

    Even though he is confined to a wheelchair, a Pakistani boy tries to capture the most kites during Basant, the annual spring kite festival, and become "king" for the day. Includes an afterword about the Basant festival.

  • Author:
    Laferrière, Dany

    Vieux Os aime jouer avec les fourmis. Passer l'après-midi sur le balcon avec sa grand-mère, Da. Regarder vivre les habitants de Petit-Goâve. Mais ce qu'il aime le plus, c'est Vava dans sa robe jaune. Cela lui donne la fièvre, encore...


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