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Stories about storytellers : publishing W.O. Mitchell, Mavis Gallant, Robertson Davies, Alice Munro, Pierre Trudeau, Hugh MacLennan, Barry Broadfoot, Jack Hodgins, Peter C. Newman, Brian Mulroney, Terry Fallis, Morley Callaghan, Alistair MacLeod, and ...

Available Formats:

  • Publisher:
    ECW Press, 2014
    Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.


  • Author: Gibson, Douglas

    Through his recollections we get an inside view of Canadian politics and publishing that rarely gets told, from Jack Hodgins' Vancouver Island to Harold Horwood's Labrador, from Alice Munro's Ontario to James Houston's Arctic. Doug Gibson takes us on an unforgettable literary tour of Canada, going behind the scenes and between the covers, and opening up his own story vault for all to read and enjoy. This new format edition includes a new chapter on Terry Fallis, as well as the Stories About Storytellers Book Club: intriguing questions (laced with Gibson's own analysis and behind-the-scenes insight) about each of five celebrated Canadian works of fiction discussed in Stories About Storytellers. These include Alice Munro's The Progress of Love, Mavis Gallant's Home Truths, Hugh MacLennan's The Watch That Ends the Night, Robertson Davies' What's Bred in the Bone, and Alistair MacLeod's No Great Mischief.

    Original Publisher: ECW Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781770905375