Le dialogue s’approfondit … Tu es une partie de Dieu. C'est la vérité de ton être. Nous sommes Un. Cette vérité a été une nourriture pour l'âme affamée. Prends-la, et nourris-toi d'elle. Le monde a été assoiffé de cette joie. Prends-la...
- Auteur:Walsch, Neale Donald, Jones, LouisSommaire:
- Auteur:Walsch, Neale Donald, Jones, Louis, Saint-Germain, MichelSommaire:
Le dialogue continue … ... ce changement de paradigme exigera une grande sagesse, un grand courage et une détermination massive. Car la Peur va frapper au coeur de ces concepts et les qualifier de faux. La Peur va dévorer le coeur de...
- Auteur:Morrow, JamesSommaire:
God is a comatose, two-mile-long tourist attraction at a Florida theme park-until a conniving judge decides to put Him on trial in The Hague for crimes against humanity.
- Auteur:Senécal, PatrickSommaire:
Against God is the gripping, dark tale of a man searching for answers. What happens in the mind of a man when, all of a sudden, he loses all reason for living? When everything in his life collapses around him and he is left with nothing...
- Auteur:Crosby, John F.Sommaire:
The issue or debate about the existence of God is one thing. But learning to restructure one's life, especially if one has been a believer whether devout or casual, is quite another. Aftermath comes to grip with the vital issues that...
- Auteur:Clarke, SamuelSommaire:
A Demonstration of the Being and Attributes of God was published in 1705 and is one of the most famous attempts at proving the existence of God. It is a very clear exposition of the Cosmological Argument, which seeks to show that the...