The war was over ... But it was a time of armistice, not peace. In the winter of 1945, Austria was in a land without leaders and withoug hope. To men like Major Mark Hanlon, Occupation Commander...
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Auteur: WEST, MorrisSommaire:
Auteur: WEST, MorrisSommaire:
Cassidy went after power and money and got them both. Cassidy's son-in-law is left with a legacy of mortal sins, dangerous intrigues and deadlier secrets, involving him in the seedy side of...
Auteur: WEST, MorrisSommaire:
In an impoverished village in southern Italy, the life and death of Giacamo Nerone has inspired talk of saint-hood. Father Blaise Meredith, a dying English priest, is sent from the Vatican to...
Auteur: WEST, MorrisSommaire:
Gilbert Langton, respected linguist and trusted negotiator, has been selected to mediate the interests of Japan and Germany in an ambitious deal masterminded to lift the Russian Republic out from...
Auteur: WEST, MorrisSommaire:
Carl Strassberger, the only son of a wealthy banker, is summoned from his home in France to search for his missing brother-in-law. Larry, the family businessman and a manic depressive, has...