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The conceptual practices of power : a feminist sociology of knowledge

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    Sociologists generate idology instead of knowledge - particularly where women are concerned. By starting with the theoretical formulations of their discipline and then interpreting people's activities as expressions of those ideas, sociologists both participate in and perpetuate society's traditional power relations. So argues Dorothy E. Smith in this provocative study of her own discipline and its relationship to women's lives. While acknowledging that social science is ideological, Smith argues that for sociologists idology affects methods of inquiry and transforms what actually happens in people's lives into a formalized picture that lacks subjectiveness. She explicates the need for an alternative sociology that better explores everyday experience, suggesting a Marxist materialist ideology, and emphasizing that ideology is not content but practice.

    Original Publisher: Toronto, University of Toronto Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 0802027539, 0802067964