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Speaking for ourselves : environmental justice in Canada

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  • Contributor: Agyeman, Julian

    The concept of environmental justice has evolved over the past two decades to offer a new direction for social movements, public policy, and public planning. Researchers worldwide now position social equity as a building block for sustainability. Yet the relationship between social equity and the environmental aspects of sustainability has been little studied in Canada.

    • Honouring our relations : an Anishnaabe perspective on environmental justice / Deborah McGregor
    • Reclaiming Ktaqamkuk : land and Miʹkmaq identity in Newfoundland / Bonita Lawrence
    • Why is there no environmental justice in Toronto? Or is there? / Roger Kell, Melissa Ollevier, and Erica Tsang
    • Invisible sisters : women and environmental justice in Canada / Barbara Rahder
    • The political economy of environmental inequality : the social distribution of risk as an environmental injustice / S. Harris Ali
    • These are Lubicon lands : a First Nation forced to step into the regulatory gap / Chief Bernard Ominayak, with Kevin Thomas
    • Population health, environmental justice, and the distribution of diseases : ideas and practices from Canada / John Eyles
    • Environmental injustice in the Canadian Far North : persistent organic pollutants and Arctic climate impacts / Sarah Fleisher Trainor, Anna Godduhn, Lawrence K. Duffy, F. Stuart Chapin III, David C. Natcher, Gary Kofinas, and Henry P. Huntington
    • Environmental justice and community-based ecosystem management / Maureen G. Reed
    • Framing environmental inequality in Canada : a content analysis of daily print new media / Leith Deacon and Jamie Baxter
    • Environmental justice as a politics in place : an analysis of five Canadian environmental groups' approaches to agro-food issues / Lorelei L. Hanson
    • Rethinking 'green' multicultural strategies / Beenash Jafri
    • Coyote and Raven talk about environmental justice / Pat O'Riley and Peter Cole.
    Original Publisher: Vancouver, UBC Press
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9780774816182, 9780774816205