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Big men fear me : the fast life and quick death of Canada's most powerful media mogul

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  • Author: Bourrie, Mark
    Contributor: Lute, Tom

    The remarkable true story of the rise and fall of one of North America's most influential yet unknown publisher and aspirational politician. When George McCullagh bought The Globe and The Mail and Empire and merged them into the Globe and Mail, today still one of Canada's preeminent daily newspapers, the 31-year-old high school dropout had already made millions on the stock market after the Crash of 1929 and the construction of his glamorous suburban Toronto estate was just the beginning of the meteoric rise of a man widely expected to one day serve as the country's prime minister. But the self-made McCullagh had a dark side. Dogged by the bipolar disorder that destroyed his political ambitions and eventually killed him, the man who would be minister was all but written out of history, erased from the archives of his own newspaper, a loss so significant that journalist Robert Fulford has called McCullagh's biography "one of the great unwritten books in Canadian history"--until now. In Big Men Fear Me, award-winning journalist and historian Mark Bourrie tells the remarkable story of McCullagh's inspirational rise and devastating fall.

    • Machine generated contents note: 1. The Hustler
    • 2. Newsies and Gold
    • 3. George McCullagh's Toronto
    • 4. Owning a Premier
    • 5. Meeting Mr. Wright
    • 6. The Globe and Mail
    • 7. Power and Politics
    • 8. Sons of Mitches
    • 9. The Coup
    • 10. Radio Killed the Newspaper Star
    • 11. Archworth
    • 12. George McCullagh at War
    • 13. Wars Within a War
    • 14. Sending Zombies to War
    • 15. The Great Toronto Newspaper War
    • 16. Fighting Holy Joe's Ghost
    • 17. Drew Flames Out
    • 18. Dying and Staying Very Dead.
    Original Publisher: Windsor, Ontario, Biblioasis
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 1771964936, 9781771964937, 9781771965910