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The matchmaker brides collection nine matchmakers have the tables of romance turned on them

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  • Contributor: Recorded Books, Inc.; Tolsma, Liz.; Stevens, Connie; Sawyer, Kim Vogel; Dietze, Susanne; Coleman, Lynn A.; Cecil, Ramona K.; Carter, Lisa; Cabot, Amanda

    Meet nine women of the late 1800s who have found themselves in the role of matchmaker. They think they have mastered the art of recognizing romantic potential in others, but when it comes to their own lives they have been unlucky in love. In small communities from Tennessee to Colorado, Wyoming to Indiana, love unexpectedly enters the women's lives with men they never imagined marrying. But what will it take to get these ladies to say "I do"'

    Original Publisher: Uhrichsville, Ohio, Barbour Pub
    Language(s): English
    ISBN: 9781683220176