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Publisher:Dreamspinner Press, 2010Note: This book was purchased with support from the Government of Canada's Social Development Partnerships Program - Disability Component.
- Author: Thomas, B. G.Date:Created2010Summary:
Elliot and Shawn each want to buy the same one-of-a-kind item for Christmas—a very old and expensive antique bed—as a gift for their lovers. But when they both arrive at the store at the same moment, the proprietor tells them to figure out between themselves who gets the bed. Elliot and Shawn decide to hold a contest: winner buys bed. And so the competitions begin, from selling charity tickets to cleaning out stables, and interpersonal tension and burgeoning attraction mount as the days until Christmas pass. But who deserves the gift more: Elliot, who can afford the expensive gift for his casual sex partner, or Shawn, who can barely cover rent, and the mysterious man he’s head-over-heels for? A story from the Dreamspinner Press 2010 Advent Calendar package "Naughty or Nice"
Genre:Original Publisher: USA, Dreamspinner PressLanguage(s): EnglishISBN: 9781615817450