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Growing strong girls: practical tools to cultivate connection in the preteen years

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    To grow up strong and confident, girls need connection with kind, competent adults, yet all too often they push that support away. For every parent, teacher, or mentor who has ever wondered, "How do I get through to her?"
    Girls today face an astounding degree of pressure to grow up fast. They yearn to connect, but sometimes this yearning turns into negative, even destructive behavioral patterns such as gossiping, being passive aggressive or mean, becoming screen-addicted, or disengaging from school. It's heartbreaking to watch even the most confident little girls disconnect and lose their sparkle as they hit the preteen years.

    In Growing Strong Girls, Lindsay Sealey reveals the tremendous power of connection to activate self-awareness, inner strength, and confidence in girls. It all starts with a nurturing and secure connection between you and her.
    In this book you'll discover:
    • Why she should avoid frenemies and create a circle of friends
    • How to set healthy boundaries and practise assertive self expression
    • The truth about social media and screens
    • Social emotional learning strategies and lifelong learning habits you can implement at home
    • More than 250 conversation starters, stories, tips, and activities to cultivate connection

    Original Publisher: [S.l.], [s.n.]
    Language(s): English